Abstract Watercolor Painting in Procreate

Painting digitally is actually fun. I know it’s different from holding a paintbrush to paint. But it’s fascinating to experience painting on a device. And Procreate is the perfect medium to do it.

In this tutorial, I chose to experience watercolor painting in Procreate with simple lines and shapes. By playing with the blend modes, I was able to create a unique visual effect on each section of the painting while achieving overall harmony.

Enjoy the tutorial and if you haven’t done painting in Procreate before, give it a try.

This tutorial is developed from my Skillshare class: Build & Maintain a Creative Habit in Busy Life.

You can read about my creative process for this tutorial in the blog post here.

Happy creating!


Illustrated Journalling: Coffee Mugs in Gouache


Painting Lines and Shapes in Gouache