Painting Lines and Shapes in Gouache

I love using gouache and I think it’s the perfect medium to do mindful painting. In this tutorial, you will learn the process of painting shapes first and then adding lines on top using gouache. It’s a good way to practice controlling the brush to paint fine details. You will see me struggling a bit when I started to paint the lines but I eventually got better at it. If you experienced the same thing when you paint, if you think what you just painted didn’t turn out the way you want, please don’t feel discouraged. Ignore the imperfections and power through. You will see yourself getting better at painting details.

Enjoy the tutorial and see if you could paint different kinds of lines and shapes.

This tutorial is developed from my Skillshare class: Build & Maintain a Creative Habit in Busy Life.

You can read about my creative process for this tutorial in the blog post here.

Happy creating!


Abstract Watercolor Painting in Procreate